Upcoming events
Culture Club: Day trip to Ravenna to see “Poetica del Gioco” at the MAR in Ravenna
Roberto Papetti is often described as a master toymaker. His handmade creations, which experiment with materials and the use of colors, encompass nature, poetry, and philosophy, captivating both children and adults alike. Roberto will be guiding us (in Italian) through his exhibit “Poetica del Gioco” (Poetry of Play).
Culture Club – Collegio di Spagna
The most ancient Spanish institution in the world (funded 1364), the oldest university library in Italy, the last “collegio medievale” existing today in continental Europe, it does not need many other words of presentation.
Culture Club
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Culture Club events: SAVE THE DATES
Udite udite! There are plenty of Culture Club events in the pipeline to start the new year “con il botto”! Please mark the following dates on your calendar right now and stay tuned for more juicy details to be unveiled very shortly.