This documentary, about the unique and uncompromising British photographer Martin Parr, is coming to Modernissimo following the world premiere at the 2024 Rome Film Festival. To appreciate this 70-minute documentary better, it is strongly recommended to see his exhibition ‘Short&Sweet’ at the Museo Civico Archeologico (for more info, please consult the museum’s page ).
Martin Parr himself will be the guest of Modernissimo for a talk about his work, but unfortunately those tickets are already sold out and therefore, if you’d like to join me on Saturday, 7 December, at 19.30, I urge you to get your ticket as soon as you can at at the Bookshop of the Cineteca at Piazza Maggiore (Voltone del Podestà). My seat is F9.
I’d like to propose a catch-up aperitivo or hot chocolate at the Pathé café inside Modernissimo at 18.30, before we descend into the theatre. As always, RSVP in the comments, indicating whether you’re coming just for the film or for aperitivo as well.