For the first walk in October I’m proposing we walk the first half of the first leg of the famous Via degli Dei! We will walk up the Portico di San Luca, the longest covered walkway in the world, built in the 17th century to the Basilica di San Luca. We will then take the path down to Parc Talon and walk along the Canale Reno back to Bologna.
This ramble will be a combination of walking on pavements up to San Luca and along the Canale Reno and also some rough terrain walking from San Luca to Parc Talon.
Date: Sunday 6th October at 9.30am -12.30pm (approx)
Meeting place: the small park inside the Viale at Porta Saragozza at 9.30am
Please get in touch if you have any questions otherwise I look forward to seeing you there!
Chris McMahon (3383339279)