Please join us in an Intercomprehension (IC) workshop led by Dr Luisa Bavieri. IC is a way of communicating among people where each person speaks their own language – or a language they know very well – and is able to understand the other by leveraging linguistic similarities.
By avoiding the use of a third language between people who speak related languages, IC creates the conditions for direct and plurilingual communication and respects the cognitive processes of the speakers. It is a concrete way of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity.
In this workshop, through some practical activities, we will have a taste of this communicative situation: starting with languages which belong to one’s own family (e.g. Germanic or Romance), and comparing and contrasting them with one’s own mother tongue, we will see that it is possible to understand written and spoken discourse in multiple languages.
Luisa Bavieri has been teaching Italian L2 at the University of Bologna Language Centre since 2000. She is involved in intercultural education and is a great language lover.
Please be punctual! Access to Fondazione Lercaro may be tricky after 19:30, and the workshop kicks off at 19:45 sharp, we kindly ask you to arrive on time and avoid any disruptions. Thank you for your cooperation!
Our monthly meetings are open to IWF members. This event is also open to one-time guests who are interested in membership.
Join us after the event for a NO HOST Aperitivo at Funtanir
@ 21:15pm Via Riva di Reno 47a, Bologna.
Please RSVP below, clearly stating whether you will be attending the main event and the NO-HOST Aperitivo. It is important for us to know if you will be joining us for the Aperitivo in order to secure the reservation. If you are bringing a guest interested in membership, please include their name as well.